German Association for International Cooperation

Development cooperation is an important concern of the German Federal Government. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for technical and financial cooperation.

The goal of technical cooperation is to enhance the capabilities of people and institutions in partner countries. Technical cooperation focuses on the transfer of knowledge and skills as well as improving the conditions for their use. It strengthens the individual initiative of people so that they can enhance their living conditions through their own efforts.

Major implementing agency for German technical cooperation is GIZ, founded in 1975. It is a government-owned corporation operating throughout the world. The aim is to positively contribute to the political, economic, ecological and social development in partner countries.

Through the services it provides, GIZ supports complex development and reform processes and paves the way towards sustainable development. The organization has more than 10,000 employees in 130 countries. GIZ maintains its own field offices in 63 countries. Some 1,000 people are employed at the head office in Eschborn near Frankfurt.

GIZ is providing machinery and equipment as well as technical and managerial know-how to operate the four Indo-German Tool Rooms. These services are coordinated by the GIZ-IGTRP Office in Delhi.

The unique setup of the tool rooms with production and training centers operating on a modern cost recovery concept ensures sustainability of the tool rooms in the long run. Thus, the tool rooms contribute to industrial development and social progress in India.